A seamless combination of playful design, natural light and solar protection
Brett Martin’s Clickfix VF system was selected to deliver protection from UV rays, maintain appropriate temperatures, alongside creating a playful and friendly environment using colour in this exciting new build, The English College located on Sheikh Zayad Road, Dubai.
The concept for this project was based around respecting the heritage of the traditional English college design. The shape and architectural management of the new academic wing and sports centre ensures that the buildings change hour by hour as the sun moves round and shadows constantly change.
This English College has been educating children from Foundation age to Year 13 since 1992. The college intakes a diverse range of students from over 86 Countries across the globe, and describes itself as not only a school, but a community.
The Clickfix VF system is installed in three different locations across the site. The drama and music studio, and at both ends of the Sport’s Hall. The 40mm Polycarbonate panels interlock and are secured by an aluminium clip which leaves a seamless finish.
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